
Bioethanol the Green Fuel That Powers Green Cars From Saab and Koenigsegg

from fossil fuel stocks in rapid decline, and scientists around the world, arguing the case for global warming, caused by increasing emissions of CO2, the race is on to find the greener and cheaper alternative to gasoline. Bio-ethanol fuel can be one such possible candidate, why is the mainstream carmakers Saab and Koenigsegg supercar manufacturers now offer vehicles that can run on bioethanol.

Normally ethanol can easily be derived from the fuel, however, since bioethanol fuel derived from plants is viewed as a green gorivo.Energije from the sun using plants to sugar, which in turn is converted into bioethanol. In addition, during the process of growing the plant absorbs high levels of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, making the whole process is greener than traditional fossil fuel refinement.

ethanol is primarily produced by the action of enzymes and microorganisms to release crop for starch and sugar, then the process of distillation and dehydration to produce products that can be used as fuel in internal combustion engine automobila.Dodano benefit of bioethanol is that the higher octane number of standard fuel, 104 as against 97, and so for bioethanol will offer better performance.

Unfortunately you can not put ethanol into standard gasoline internal combustion engine without making any izmjene.Sustav engine management must be improved so that the engine can determine what fuel is carried on, and, secondly, the internal engine parts must be toughened up, because ethanol can react with certain materials in the form corrosive acids.

In spite of the necessary changes Saab is now offering one of its most popular turbo charged models with the option to duel fuel. It can run on either gasoline or bioethanol, and costs only a fraction more than standard models, and from his car light bulbs, to its aluminum wheels would be hard to spot the difference. In the meantime, the Koenigsegg CCX offer their super car with bioethanol option that can produce more than 100bhp more than a gasoline version.

Bioethanol has its detractors, the environmentalists are concerned that as the demand for ethanol grows, more countries are typically used for growing food supply will be turned over to fuel production. One study claimed that converting the entire U.S. bioethanol will take three quarters of all the world's arable land.

While bioethanol is certainly green credentials it is not viable as a fuel for the masses in the current situation, given the huge land resources needed. But there are now a second-generation biofuels produced from waste stocks and third generation biofuels derived from algae. Algae biofuel produced 30 times more energy per hectare of crops for biofuels, and so could ultimately be part of the future of green energy.

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